April 2009
* Towards Good Environmental Status - A Network of Marine Protected Areas for the North Sea (7,9 MB)

November 2008
* Towards Low Impact Fishery Techniques (1,3 MB)

June 2008
FAR OUT and DEEP UNDER. Protecting deep sea life on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (4,0 MB)
Mid-Atlantic Ridge / Charlie-Gibbs Fracture Zone - proposal for an OSPAR MPA in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction. Executive Summary (1,5 MB)
Towards implementing UNGA Resolution 61/105 in the North-East Atlantic. WWF proposals for a way forward (4,0 MB)

* Conservation of marine biodiversity beyond the limits of national jurisdiction. With a focus on High Seas Marine Protected Areas (997 kB)
The Value of our Oceans. The Economic Benefits of Marine Biodiversity and Healthy Ecosystems (1,4 MB)

June 2007
* Climate change and ocean acidification in OSPAR - WWF recommendations on the strategies and work products of OSPAR and its Committees (284 kB)

April 2007
* Marine Protected Areas in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction. Proposed High Seas MPAs in the North-East Atlantic (1998-2006) (3,2 MB)

October 2006
* Towards a framework for the management of transboundary (cross-border) marine protected areas (3 MB)
* Marine Nature Conservation in the Pelagic Environment: A case for Pelagic Marine Protected Areas? (1,2 MB)

September 2006
* The Agreement on the Conservation of Small Cetaceans in the Baltic, North East Atlantic, Irish and North Seas: Progress and Prospects (128 kB)

June 2006
* Bremen + 3 = ? - Scorecard exercise assessing the progress, since 2003, towards an ecologically coherent network of well-managed MPAs for the North-East Atlantic (76 kB)

May 2006
* WWF's Essentials for the North Sea Ministerial Meeting on the Environmental Impact of Shipping and Fisheries (320 kB)
* North Sea still on "sick-leave" - twenty-two years of North Sea Ministerial commitment in a nutshell (1,7 MB)
* Marine Spatial Tools: Marine Protected Areas and Closed Areas (264 kB)

March 2006
* New information on Rockall and Hatton. WWF calls for
urgent measures to protect habitats on Rockall and Hatton Bank
(2,2 MB)

February 2006
* The powers of the OSPAR Commission and coastal State parties to the OSPAR Convention to manage marine protected areas on the seabed beyond 200 nm from the baseline - a report by Daniel Owen (1,3 MB)

January 2006
* Toward the Conservation and Management of the Sedlo Seamount - Para uma Proposta de Gestão para o Monte Submarino Sedlo - an OASIS report (2,7 MB)

September 2005

* Conservation in areas beyond national jurisdiction - the role of regional seas organisations (1,6 MB)
* Seamounts and Fisheries - Conservation and Sustainable Use. Report from the 1st OASIS Stakeholder Workshop, Horta, Azores, 1-2 April 2004 (3,2 MB)
* Vulnerability Assessment of the North East Atlantic Marine Ecoregion to Climate Change (1,6 MB)

June 2005

* Bremen + 2 = ... Progress towards an ecologically coherent network of well-managed MPAs for the North-East Atlantic - WWF Position Paper for OSPAR 2005 (868 kB)
* Saving Europe's Coral Reefs - A Matter of Urgency (716 kB)

February 2005

* A proposal to protect the cold-water corals of Rockall and Hatton Bank by fisheries measures and protected areas (1,1 MB)

September 2004
* Vulnerability of the North-East Atlantic Shelf Marine Ecoregion - Scoping Study (784 kB)
* Managing Across Boundaries: the Dogger Bank - a future international marine protected area (1,9 MB)
* The Offshore MPA Toolbox. Implementing marine protected areas in the North-East Atlantic offshore: Seamounts – A case study (2,2 MB)

August 2004

* Cold-water corals: fragile havens in the deep - screen version (1,8 MB) - print version (5,4 MB) (project brochure)
* Cold-water Coral Reefs: Out of Sight - no Longer Out of Mind (joint Report by UNEP, Norway, Ireland, UK and WWF - screen resolution - 1,6 MB)

June 2004
* Biodiversity Assessment and Threats Analysis for the WWF Global 200 Ecoregion "North-East Atlantic Shelf" (8,6 MB)
* Bremen + 1 = ... Progress towards an ecologically coherent network
of well-managed MPAs for the North-East Atlantic - WWF Position Paper for OSPAR 2004
(1,2 MB)

January 2004
* Protect Europe's coral reefs now - their future is in your hands! (info CD ROM - order via e-mail)

December 2003

* Seamounts of the North-East Atlantic (6,7 MB)

November 2003
* The Prestige: one year on, a continuing disaster (288 KB)

July 2003
* Yielding Knowledge on Seamounts - hidden oases in the deep ocean (project brochure - screen resolution - 1,2 MB)
* The Azorean Exclusive Fisheries Zone (Joint Seas At Risk & WWF - Factsheet - 1,3 MB)

June 2003
* WWF's Essentials for the 2003 OSPAR and Joint OSPAR-HELCOM Ministerial Meetings (312 KB)
* Marine Protected Area Networks (464 KB)
* Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas (480 KB)
* Sea Use and Spatial Planning (592 KB)
* Reducing the Fisheries Impact (840 KB)
* Hazardous Substances and the EU Chemicals Policy (280 KB)
* Position on a European Marine Strategy (372 KB)
* Do Governments Protect the Treasures of Our Seas? Measuring Progress on Marine Protected Areas (1,8 MB)
* Baltic marine life still left out in the cold / Effectiv protection of North-East Atlantic treasures still on ice - Scorecard (304 KB)
* North-East Atlantic - Baltic Health Check Report (596 KB)
* Saving the Treasures of Our Seas - by creating networks of marine protected areas in the North-East Atlantic (project brochure - screen resolution - 505 KB)

May 2003

* Are Governments Prepared to Keep Our Seas Clean? Measuring Progress with Regard to Hazardous Substances (920 KB)

January 2003
* Logatchev - A Potential High Seas Marine Protected Area (976 KB)

December 2002
* The Offshore Directory – Review of a Selection of Habitats, Communities and Species of the North-East Atlantic (5 MB)
* Kosterfjorden/Yttre Hvaler - A Potential Marine Protected Area (708 KB)
* The Josefine Bank - A Potential Marine Protected Area (536 KB)
* The Røst Reef - A Potential Marine Protected Area (524 KB)
* Rainbow - A Potential Marine Protected Area (868 KB)
* Rockall Bank - A Potential Marine Protected Area (1,1 MB)

October 2002
* The Darwin Mounds - Out of Sight and still under Threat (224 KB)

July 2002
* Fladen - A Potential Marine Protected Area (1,2 MB)
* The Faroe Bank - A Potential Marine Protected Area (408 KB)
* The Galicia Bank - A Potential Marine Protected Area (464 KB)
* La Grande Vasière - A Potential Marine Protected Area (1,5 MB)

May 2002
* Lucky Strike and Menez Gwen, Azores - The First Deep Sea Marine Protected Areas in the North-East Atlantic (3,4 MB)
* The Darwin Mounds and the Dogger Bank - case studies of the management of two potential "Special Areas of Conservation" in the offshore environment (1,2 MB)

March 2002
* WWF's Key Asks to Environment Ministers at the Fifth North Sea Conference 2002 (436 KB)
* A Vision for the North Sea - Making the Ecosystem Approach Operational (664 KB)
* The Crisis in North Sea Fisheries - Last Exit: Bergen 2002 (1 MB )
* Making Space for North Sea Wildlife - The Need for Marine Protected Areas in the Context of North Sea Wide Spatial Planning (396 KB)
* North Sea Maps: Human Uses vs. Conservation Needs
* North Sea Pollution - A Never-Ending Story? (364 KB)

October 2001

* Coral Reefs threatened off Britain - WWF Factsheet about the Darwin Mounds (2,1 MB)

June 2001
* Implementation of the EU Habitats Directive Offshore: Natura 2000 Sites for Reefs and Submerged Sandbanks
* Volume 1: Introduction & Rationale (744 KB )
* Volume 2: North East Atlantic and North Sea (5,9 MB)
* Overview and detail maps from Volume 2

June 2001
* Sintra + 3 = ? WWF's Essentials for OSPAR 2001 (276 kB)
* How to Make the Market of Hazardous Substances More Transparent? (332 kB)
* Lilla Middelgrund - A Potential Marine Protected Area (2,2 MB)
* The Formigas Bank - A Potential Marine Protected Area (1,2 MB)
* The Darwin Mounds - A Potential Marine Protected Area (2,2 MB)

October 2000
* Protection of the Wadden Sea from ship accidents through the establishment of a "PSSA Wadden Sea" (1,4 MB)

June 2000
* Moving towards 2020? WWF‘s Essentials for OSPAR 2000 (324 KB)
* Synthetic Musk Fragrances - Reasons for Concern (108 KB)
* Salmon Migration and Breeding Impaired by Atrazine (368 KB)
* Banco Gorringe Seamount – A Potential Marine Protected Area (1,3 MB)
* Lucky Strike Hydrothermal Vent Field – A Potential Marine Protected Area (392 KB)
* BIOTRANS Deep Sea Abyssal Plain – A Potential Marine Protected Area (1,2 MB)

January 2000
* Developing a Framework for Marine Protected Areas in the North-East Atlantic - Report of the WWF Workshop, 13-14 November 1999, Brest, France (472 KB)

June 1999
* "Sintra + 1” – Indicators of Progress since the OSPAR Ministerial Meeting 1998 (320 KB)
* Brominated Flame Retardants (36 KB)
* The Sula Ridge – A Potential Marine Protected Area (1,2 MB)
* The Waters west of Sylt – A Potential Marine Protected Area (116 KB)

July 1998
* WWF's Essentials for the 1998 OSPAR Ministerial Meeting (28 KB)
* Ecosystems and Biological Diversity (92 KB)
* Hazardous Substances (48 KB)
* Cetaceans & Endocrine Disruptors (64 KB)
* Seals & Endocrine Disruptors (108 KB)
* Fish & Endocrine Disruptors (40 KB)
* Endocrine Disrupting Pesticides (28 KB)
* Pesticides in Surface and Coastal Waters (92 KB)
* Bisphenol A (36 KB)
* Nonylphenol Ethoxylates (NPE) (56 KB)
* Phthalates (556 KB)
* Vinclozolin (500 KB)
* The Celtic Shelf Break - A Potential Marine Protected Area (48 KB)
* The Rockall Bank - A Potential MPA (52 KB)
* The Rockall Trough and Channel - A Potential Marine Protected Area (468 KB)
* The Western Irish Sea front - A Potential Marine Protected Area (496 KB)
* The Dogger Bank - A Potential Marine Protected Area (96 KB)

August 1997
* The Value of Protecting Offshore Areas as Marine Reserves
* Management of Offshore Marine Protected Areas
Order hardcopy from the Coordination office.

March 1997

* WWF's Essentials for the 1997 North Sea Intermediate Ministerial Meeting on the Integration of Fisheries and Environmental Issues (IMM) (256 KB)

Reference documents published earlier

* The 1991 WWF Report on the "Common Future of the Wadden Sea" (2,2 MB)

Programme Brochure
* The content of this site is also available as coloured programme brochure. Order the hardcopy of WWF's North-East Atlantic Programme from the Coordination office.

Last update Wed, Nov 21, 2007